Hujiang case study

SkyGlue helps optimize their signup form conversion rate.

Company Bio was founded in 2001 and specializes in online education. It is dedicated to providing the most effective interactive education platform and the most comprehensive resources to self-learners. Hujiang has over two billion users and millions of members. Hujiang is the largest foreign language education platform in China.


No one questions the importance of signup form in the online conversion process, especially when you are spending money on PPC advertising to acquire new customers. Increasing the conversion rate directly translates to lower costs for marketing.

Let’s look at an example of the registration process for a new user who is brought to the website through an external advertisement. There are three possible outcomes:

• They left without doing anything.
• They tried to sign up but dropped out in the middle and did not complete the registration.
• They successfully registered an account.

The first scenario is called a bounce. If this happens a lot, it means either the message in your advertising does not match the content on your signup form or your ad is targeting the wrong audience. Even the load speed on your website could be a factor. Because visitors left the site right away, they did not leave any trace for you. To reduce bounce, we need to adjust the ad content and ad targeting.

For the second scenario, where a user tries to register, but for some reason abandons the form before completing the registration, we need to analyze the click path and determine why they left. Since SkyGlue allows us to analyze individual user behavior and logs everything a visitor does, we used SkyGlue to perform this analysis.

Let’s take a look at the registration form first.


Users need to enter: username, password, email address etc. to complete the registration process.

We need to analyze the following:

How many users attempted to register, but aborted the process early?

Which input field is the most confusing and is causing registrants to give up?

First, we need to create a segment and find the registrants who aborted the registration process.


“360bulo-p” identifies the traffic from one of our advertising sources. After users register successfully, they are automatically redirected to a page called “reg_active.” By excluding traffic re-directed to reg_active page, we can find the failed registrants. Since SkyGlue uses “Event Category” to store user actions, the third condition includes the visitors who performed actions on the form.

After creating the segment, we went ahead and generated the “User Drill-down by Time” custom report that SkyGlue pre-configured.


This custom report added two filters and filtered out actions users performed outside of the registration form. From this report, we found 349 visitors who attempted to register, but eventually failed.


Event Label is the visitor identifier. Total Events are the number of clicks. Each click action on any field on the form is counted as one event.

We exported the data into Excel. Here is the statistics based on the number of actions/clicks


We can see from the stats that more than half of the visitors only attempted to fill the first and second form field, then left. Only 1/5 of the visitors (68) worked hard to complete the form but still gave up in the end.

We closely examined a user who had six click actions on the form but still failed:


They came to the form, selected a language, then typed in a username and password. They tried to input their username multiple times but left in the end. This was because if someone types a username that’s already existed in our system, we do not allow the username to be registered again. This obviously caused confusion for this visitor.

Next, we wanted to find out how many visitors intended to register but got stuck on selecting proper usernames.

We went back to the “Users drill down by Time” report. We selected sub-category: Event Category and defined the actions as: “Click::Form user_name::” with clicks greater than 2. We consider a visitor being confused by the signup form if their actions are greater than 2 on form field “user_name.”


Below is the finding:


There are a total of 20 people who were confused by the signup form. When we work this number into the previous statistics, the ratio is 29 percent (20/68). So, about one-third of our clients encountered confusion when trying to complete the registration form. That rate is quite high.

Below are the dropout rates for each o form field.

Input Field Element ID Visitors Ratio
User Name Click::Form::user_name:: 20 29.41{40d197c9430f88f907d4c0a4eefc4c9a7dcebee593d7a5e3156d69ac601435ba}
Password Click::Form::password:: 10 14.71{40d197c9430f88f907d4c0a4eefc4c9a7dcebee593d7a5e3156d69ac601435ba}
Confirm Password Click::Form::INPUT::re_password:: 3 4.41{40d197c9430f88f907d4c0a4eefc4c9a7dcebee593d7a5e3156d69ac601435ba}
Email Click::Form::INPUT::mail:: 8 11.76{40d197c9430f88f907d4c0a4eefc4c9a7dcebee593d7a5e3156d69ac601435ba}
Verification Code Click::Form::INPUT::vali_code:: 5 7.35{40d197c9430f88f907d4c0a4eefc4c9a7dcebee593d7a5e3156d69ac601435ba}

The form clearly shows that username, password, email and verification code are the fields that created the most confusion. We gave the stats and feedback to our product development team and they improved the signup process.


  1. Immediately after a user moves their mouse away from the field, we check the username eligibility and provide hints to create a new username if needed.
  2. While a user is entering the password, we include strength hints for the password.
  3. The email field automatically populates the email services. This is an added convenience and avoids typos.
  4. For the verification code, we add hints telling people that upper case and lower case do not matter.

We deployed the changes on 8/31/2015. Compared with the statistics on the 30th, we found that the successful registration rate went up from 5.94 percent to 7.88 percent, a 24 percent boost. With the advertisement investment staying the same, the conversation rates increased by close to one-fourth. This is a very significant achievement. We will continue to use SkyGlue to optimize our signup process and improve our conversation rate further.



SkyGlue allowed us to analyze individual user behavior and helped us to optimize our signup process by finding potential user experience problems/issues and boosted our conversion rate. The changes brought a significant benefit to our business. We plan to continue to use SkyGlue in other product analysis and improve our site visitor experiences as a whole.