Access Microsoft Clarity Visitor Recordings in SkyGlue

SkyGlue fully integrates with Microsoft Clarity to provide you with visitor session recordings.

Why do you need SkyGlue for Clarity?

When using Clarity alone, often times, users are faced with hours of recordings that are difficult to sort or navigate through. They are at a loss. Where to start and how to gain insights out of so much data?

SkyGlue has solved it for users firstly by making the session recordings conveniently available on each individual visitor’s click journey report. Secondly, since SkyGlue seamlessly integrates with Google Analytics, it lets users filter website visitors through funnels and Google Analytics segments. Visitors are narrowed down to the dozen ones that warrant further investigation. This brings you to the truths behind problems FAST.

Wonder what is the difference between Microsoft Clarity and Google Analytics? Check it out here.

Setup Steps:

Setup is easy, simply follow the instructions below to create a free Microsoft Clarify account and link it with your Google Analytics account.

Step 1: Sign up a free Microsoft Clarity account.

Step 2: Follow instructions on Google Analytics integration with Microsoft Clarity to link your Clarity account with your Google Analytics account.

Step 3: Enter the Google Analytics dimension ID in your SkyGlue dashboard (click on the setup icon on your right hand navigation menu).

set up a custom dimension in SkyGlue

You can now watch session recordings throughout your individual visitor journey in SkyGlue.


Need help? Shoot us an email ([email protected]) and we can assist you for free.

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