SkyGlue GA4 Migration Event Customization

Event Names

Default transformation of customized Universal Analytics events to GA4:
The GA4 event name automatically retains the value of “event category” (first event name value) configured in your SkyGlue portal.

Modify event names for customized events:
To modify customized events configured in your SkyGlue portal, you can add a prefix to existing event values to indicate the new event name.
For example:
Existing configured event parameter values are: myEventCategory||myEventAction||myEventLabel.
To set the GA4 event name for this event, you can add an event name prefix followed by “–>”, for example:

Similar to event parameter values, you can also use SkyGlue macros to specify GA4 event names, for example:
{#text}–> myEventCategory||myEventAction||myEventLabel
See all SkyGlue macros for event names here.

If you do not add the event name prefix, SkyGlue will use the first value you specified in the event parameter value as the GA4 event name. This is the same scenario as “Default transformation of customized events”.

Event Parameters

By default, SkyGlue automatically converts “event category”, “event action”, “event label” and “event value” in classic GA and Universal Analytics to GA4 event parameters. The default event parameter names are “event_category”, “event_action”, “event_label” and “event_value”. Please contact us if you want to use different event parameter names for your account.

When you configure an event in the SkyGlue portal, you do not need to specify GA4 event parameter names for each event definition. SkyGlue will apply event parameter names in the sequence defined in the default property name list.

The default string value parameter names are: event_category||event_action||event_label.
The default numeric value parameter name is: event_value.

Please contact us if you want to change or add additional property names.

If you wish to change the default event parameter names for one particular event, you can specify the event parameter names as suffixes under Event Definition (in your SG portal).
For example:
myGA4EventName–>myEventCategory||myEventAction||myEventLabel~~myEventValue (|| is the separator for values, ~~ is the separator between string values and numeric values)

By default, the event parameter values will be mapped to event parameter names: event_category, event_action. event_label and event_value.
If you want to change the event parameter names for this event, you can add event parameter name as a suffix to the event definition with a “<->” separator.
For example:

If you want to skip a value for GA4 (e.g. to only send the value to Universal Analytics instead of GA4), you can specify the property name as “–“.