Integrate SkyGlue with Magento

SkyGlue can be integrated with Magento to enable you to see website visitors’ online behavior.

1. Track Magento customers using SkyGlue registered user API

SkyGlue registered user tracking API is available here.

You need to add the API code to the page your users see after logging into Magento and at the order confirmation page after your user makes a purchase as an anonymous visitor.

2. Add SkyGlue tab in your Magento admin portal

(1) Download the following zip file: Skyglue_MagentoCustomertab
(2) Unzip the contents of this zip file within your magento root
(3)Update customer report URL

In app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/skyglue/userreport.phtml edit Line 27 and replace the XXXXXXXX with your ga code and the XX/XX/XXXX with your start date in mm/dd/yyyy format:


to be the details of your account and start date.

(4). Clear the Magento cache to make the module available
You need to “Flush Cache” in Admin panel > SYSTEM > Cache Management (or erase the contents of {magento root}/var/cache/} OR disable caching .

3. View customer report

After flushing the cache, you can click on “Customers” > “Manage Customers” to see a list of customers and the module is appearing as a tab on the left. You can click on it to get the online behavior of the visitor (If you have not logged into SkyGlue yet, you will need to do so to get the report of the first customer).

If you have any questions or need help with the above implementations, please contact us at [email protected].